A Strong Value System Is The Greatest Anchor


I remember a character in one of the classics I read long ago. Anderson, the central character conducting a meeting with eight people all of whom were crooks, it said “Anderson was equivalent to ten people for his heart was pure.”

Never underestimate the power of a strong value system and ones ability to stand but it. As the boat of a startup entrepreneur rocks violently the only anchor many a times is his fearless abidance to a strong value system.

A few of my partners staged a coup against me, by most unfair means. They did not succeed as all the employees at the end stood by me, since I was honest. Never undermine the power of an honest value system.

The following lay foundation of a strong value system:

  1. Integrity: Be your word. Keep in mind “your word creates the world”.
  2. Transparency: Be open, sharing all you do. Admit your mistakes and acknowledge your contributions.
  3. Consistency: Be consistent in your actions.
  4. Unreasonableness: Be unreasonable in demanding performance from all. Begin with yourself. You do not have to be nice, you have to be fair.
  5. Respect those who criticize you. “Criticism is the best form of appreciation”, someone said. Appreciation can be sincere too but it adds value only to your ego, nothing else. Criticism on the other hand always has the potential to add value to your business.

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