“Positive thinking” may not be most positive!

It is said by many life coaches that one should ‘think positive’. That ‘thinking positive’ is the key to success. If one really looks closely, one finds a contradiction. First off, one does not always think consciously. There are passive thoughts, and we have little control over them. Practicing “positive thinking” can transform some of […]

About the Yoga

Yoga :             What is it            How do we practice it?            How does it add value to our lives? One of the most highly read topics in this world is yoga. It is also one of the least understood. The […]


What is “Prana”? “Prana”, also called universal energy, the energy of life, ki, qi, or divine energy, is the substance behind all creation. It is the substance that allows objects to live in an inert state, as well as the essence of what makes living things live and move. It is the one cosmic principle, […]

Love Actually…is all around us

What is our conditioning? That we are something finite, comprehensible and concrete. Why are we conditioned? It suffices that you can exist beyond this conditioning. It is a call of awakening – and indeed – of self-love, because without knowing yourself, there is nobody to truly care for. You see, with the self-recognition we talk […]

Of Self-Awareness and Self-Love

Life…or Something Like it Life is life. How often have we heard this? But is life – life – or is it deeply impacted by our perception of it – or indeed, by our perception of ourselves? Who are we truly, and what are we made of? Beggars, priests, kings, lay people, or indeed, corporate […]