
People are the biggest assets for organizations, more so for the startups. They must be themselves be entrepreneurial in spirit to lift the company off.

Now I know it is impossible to fill the organization with entrepreneurs as there are just not enough people of that kind. But what at the minimum is possible is to look for people who want to create something new for themselves and not just looking to do something bigger is exactly what they did before. I have recently chosen people in sales that were doing exceedingly well in their careers but were not satisfied as they wanted to broaden their horizons. Such people become true assets in shortest possible time as they carry precious experience in some areas while being eager to write new chapters with infections enthusiasm.

The cost of hiring wrong people can be one of the greatest liability you can create. Take your time to gauge people as what appears to look in one meeting often is not true.

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Binod Singh has more than 30 years of IT industry experience. As one of the pioneers of the "Identity and Access Management" domain, he has worked with founders of many breakthrough technologies to help the domain evolve. Under his leadership, ILANTUS has emerged as one of the most innovative companies in IT domain. Technology Headlines recently named Binod as one of the ‘Top 50 Successful Indian Entrepreneurs in the US.’